
don't edit this line link target معنى

  • قالب:Don\'t edit this line link target
  • don't edit this line    قالب:Don\'t edit t ...
  • edit    v. حرر كتب, عد للط ...
  • this    adv. لهذه الدرجة, ...
  • line    n. خط, سطر, طابور, ...
  • link    n. علاقة, حلقة في ...
  • target    n. هدف, لوحة التصو ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. don't delete the main page معنى
  2. don't demolish the house while it's still being built معنى
  3. don't edit this line معنى
  4. don't edit this line always display معنى
  5. don't edit this line extinct معنى
  6. don't edit this line link text معنى
  7. don't edit this line parent معنى
  8. don't edit this line rank معنى
  9. don't edit this line refs معنى
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